
2024-6-10 2024-6-10 America/New_York Howard Pyle, Father of Modern American Illustration Howard Pyle was at the forefront of new technology that made full color reproduction possible at a fraction of its former cost. Unlike the gritty urban realists of the time, Pyle escaped into a fantasy world of swashbuckling pirates, noble knights and medieval romance. Time: 10:30 a.m. Adult School Department of the Montclair Public Library adultschool@montclairlibrary.org

Howard Pyle, Father of Modern American Illustration

Sponsored by Adult School Department of the Montclair Public Library. 10:30 a.m. Howard Pyle was at the forefront of new technology that made full color reproduction possible at a fraction of its former cost. Unlike the gritty urban realists of the time, Pyle escaped into a fantasy world of swashbuckling pirates, noble knights and medieval romance. Reservations / registration required by 06/10/2024. For more info: https://asm.augusoft.net//index.cfm?method=ClassInfo.ClassInformation&int_class_id=47199&int_category_id=0&int_sub_category_id=0&int_catalog_id=0, adultschool@montclairlibrary.org, 973-744-0500. $25. Rain date: 06/10/2024.